Revitalize: 30 Days to Beauty, Balance and Boundless Energy

Learn how to balance the body, improve sleep , increase your energy and become absolutely radiant!

Next Round begins August 1st!

Reclaim Your Body and Your Life!

In this step-by-step program, you will learn how to eat, drink and think your way to beauty and balance! I’ll teach you everything you need to know to ensure that your body gets the nutrients it needs, while ridding itself of hidden (and not so-hidden) hormone disruptors. We’ll cut through all of the myths and misinformation out there so that you can reclaim your energy, your body and your life!

Who is the Revitalize program for?

You’re right for this program if you’re:

By the end of this program you'll:


Know exactly what to eat, when to eat and how to eat to keep your body balanced and beautiful


Design a fitness protocol that is both effective AND manageable within the context of your life


Break the vicious cycle of disordered sleep/insomnia and chronic fatigue


Never again waste time and money on the “trial and error” approach to supplements


Understand how your hormonal system works and how to ‘read’ the signals (i.e., symptoms) that your body sends you


Develop the mindset tools and strategies to avoid ‘all or nothing’ thinking, overcome obstacles, and generate real momentum in your life


 Be part of an amazing community of like-minded women


Feel absolutely Revitalized – Powerful, Confident, Sexy and ready to ROCK midlife!

We’ll have weekly live coaching calls during which I’ll share information and strategies, coach members, provide encouragement and motivation, and address any questions you might have. 

This is also a great opportunity to connect with others in the community!

Enroll Now for just $397

What’s Inside the Revitalize program?

Module 1: Get Ready! (You'll receive this module as soon as you register)

Here’s why it pays to learn from someone who has gone before you – I know exactly how you feel, where most women get stuck and what to do to shift the momentum. In this module, I’ll set you up for success!


  • Assess where you are now, complete an intention setting exercise and develop a powerful mindset for the next 30 days
  • Prepare your home and kitchen by gathering the recommended foods and other items to have on hand
  • Learn the weekly planning strategies that will set you firmly on the path to transformation

Module 2: Beauty From the Inside Out

In this module, we get our glow on!

You’ll learn how the body detoxifies and maintains a healthy balance of hormones, why this is especially important in midlife, and how to work with your body to create beauty from the inside out.


  • Identify ‘No-Go’ foods and drinks (i.e., hormone disruptors) and ‘Hormone Healthy’ foods and drinks

  • Learn the small, gradual changes in our diet and lifestyle that create BIG changes in how we look and feel

  • Weekly LIVE coaching call in which you can ask questions, receive support and get coached!

Module 3: Balance the Body, Balance the Mind

“True health lies in balance and harmony.” (Ilchi Lee)

In this module, you’ll learn how to use nutrition and mindset to create vibrant good health.


  • Clear and specific guidelines for eating in a way that balances blood sugar, boosts metabolism, heals the gut, and delivers the macronutrients and micronutrients your body needs during perimenopause/menopause and beyond.
  • Guidance on supplementation
  • My best hormone-healthy recipes – quick, easy and delicious meals that taste amazing and will keep you looking and feeling great!
  • Tips and tools for managing mindset, obstacles, stress and limiting beliefs
  • Weekly LIVE coaching call in which you can ask questions, receive support and get coached!

Module 4: Get Moving

Go from overwhelmed and tired to energized and inspired! Allow your fitness regimen to support you in creating a body that is balanced and beautiful. I promise you, it can be done and, in this module, I’ll show you how.

  • Identify the types of movement that best support the body during perimenopause/menopause
  • Create your personal fitness protocol that is hormone-healthy, efficient, manageable AND enjoyable 
  • Learn how to use food and movement to balance the nervous system  
  • Weekly LIVE coaching call in which you can ask questions, receive support and get coached

Module 5: Boundless Energy

In this module, we’ll tackle one of the most common symptoms of perimenopause/menopause – disordered sleep. You’ll learn why hormonal imbalance often leads to sleep disruptions and how to address it.


  • Understand the connection between sleep and hormone function

  • Learn how to use food and movement to balance the nervous system and improve sleep 

  • Learn which supplements and natural sleep remedies work (and which ones are a waste of time/money)

  • Develop your personal sleep plan (i.e. a protocol of ‘sleep hygiene’) 

  • Weekly LIVE coaching call to provide support, coach anyone who would like to be coached, and answer any questions.

Module 6: Congratulations and Next Steps!

At the end of this program, you’ll feel like a new woman –  completely REVITALIZED! But our work doesn’t end there. We’ll celebrate your success in style and you’ll receive my best tips, tricks and guidance for maintaining your hormone-healthy habits for life.


  • Identify and celebrate your big and little ‘wins’ over the last 30 days
  • Create a new set of intentions
  • Learn additional strategies for anticipating obstacles, overcoming them and maintaining momentum
  • Receive ongoing support within our incredible community of women
  • Weekly LIVE coaching call to provide support, coach anyone who would like to be coached, and answer any questions.

Bonus: Included in the program is The REVITALIZE Journal and Habit Tracker (PDF) valued at $30

Frequently Asked Questions

The protocol offers flexibility and is entirely customizable. I will provide guidelines, not rigid requirements. As always, you’re free to modify as needed to ensure that it supports your unique health goals and is manageable within the context of your life. You can adhere to the program as strictly as you would like to and are, of course, encouraged to discuss it with your doctor and be guided by his/her advice.

Not at all. You can complete the program with the most basic kitchen equipment and food items found in nearly all grocery stores.

Absolutely! The program accomodates vegetarians and vegans.

Each week, you’ll attend a 1 hour, live coaching call (or watch the replay).  You’ll also receive PDF support materials to assist you each week.

Of course. Life doesn’t stop during the 30 days inside the program. In fact, you’ll be guided on how to do that, while adhering as much as possible to the program guidelines.

Our live group coaching call will take place on Zoom. The recording and PDF support materials will be delivered via email. 

You need not attend live; a recording will be provided. However, I encourage you to attend as many as you can because they’re SO motivating!

Yes, you’ll receive lifetime access to the course and can go through it as many times as you’d like!

Enroll Now for just $397

“There’s no better investment than your health! Put in the time and effort now and you’ll receive life long dividends.”